Thiết bị cầm tay đo chất lượng khí đốt PANAMETRICS PM880
- Hệ thống đo khí đốt GE PANAMETRICS
- Cảm biến đo khí đốt GE PANAMETRICS
- Thiết bị đo và phân tích khí đốt GE PANAMETRICS
- Máy đo khí Oxy GE PANAMETRICS
- Thiết bị đo chất lượng khí đốt GE PANAMETRICS
The PM880 moisture analyzer is a complete, portable hygrometer for measuring the moisture/humidity content of industrial gases and liquids. With the combined experience and expertise of the former Panametrics and General Eastern businesses, the PM880 was designed to meet the most demanding process applications. Utilizing the proven aluminum oxide moisture sensor, the PM880 can express the absolute humidity of gases and liquids in dew point temperature, parts per million by volume (PPMv), parts per million by weight (PPMw), pounds per million standard cubic feet in natural gas, relative humidity, and other measurement units.
- Absolute humidity in liquids and gases
- Ambient to ppb moisture range
- Single channel with ability to store multiple site locations
- 240×200 pixel LCD graphic display with backlight
- tible with all GE Panametrics aluminum oxide moisture probes
- Up to 12 hours of battery life
- Optional sampling system suitable for natural gas and other industrial gases and liquids
- Intrinsically safe, portable model:
o Up to 12 hours of battery life
- o Certified to Cenelec Eex ia IIC T3
- PM880 AM:
o Continuous operation from 120 or 230 VAC power supply
Xem thêm sản phẩm: Máy CMM – giảm 20% khi gọi 0936 983 953
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