Chân cảm biến đo độ rung SKF CMAC 230 CMAC 231
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Description CMAC 230
Threaded mounting stud (1/4-28 to 1/4-28)
Flanged sensor mounting stud, 1/4-28 thread on both sides
Material: Stainless steel
Recommended mounting torque: 2,9 Nm (24 in lbs )
Frequency response: Proper mounting on clean lat surface can achieve the speciied frequency response of sensor
Ordering information: CMAC 230-10 Threaded mounting studs (1/4-28 to 1/4-28), stainless steel, 10-pack
Description CMAC 231
Adapter mounting stud (1/4-28 to M8)
Flanged sensor mounting stud, adapts 1/4-28 threads to M8 thread
Material: Stainless steel
Recommended mounting torque: 2,9 Nm (24 in lbs )
Frequency response: Proper mounting on clean lat surface can achieve the speciied frequency response of sensor
Ordering information: CMAC 231-10 Adapter mounting studs (1/4-28 to M8), stainless steel, 10-pack